Saturday, September 13, 2014

Rope halter incident

I have always been avidly against rope halters. They're dangerous and I just don't like them. I rode Pigeon western today, and had to use my rope 'bosal' because my bridles were with a friend.

She did perfectly! We had a 20 minute extended trot session and she got to go meet Callie's horses again. All the mares are in heat, though, so we didn't stay long. 

When we got home, I very loosely tied her to the trailer for the not even 2 seconds it would take me to undo my Latigo and shove my saddle off her back. I figured nothing bad would happen in that short amount of time, and if it did I could easily untie her because of the loose quick release knot I used. I should have known better from my frequent lectures about rope halters. Some dogs came over and were trying to attack her and she freaked. When the halter pulled against her, it got worse. Luckily the halter stretched out a little so she could get it over her ears and get out, because she tightened my quick release knot so much I couldn't undo it. She went down to Callie's and was caught there with no problems at all. 

We really lucked out today. She got away with nothing more than a small cut near her lip. And probably a very sore head and neck tomorrow. 

She was back to being cheeky like nothing happened before I even put medicine on it! 

Medicine was a whole other issue. She freaked out and wouldn't stand still for me to get it on her. It naturally made a huge mess. 

I have officially had a personal experience with rope halters to add to reasons why I hate them. Yes, this is entirely my fault and I am extremely blessed that she didn't get seriously hurt. I stand by my opionion against rope halters and will never use one again.

The aftermath, once we struggled to untie the mecate from the trailer. I still can't untie the halter itself.