Monday, March 31, 2014

Spring break!

Okay I'm gonna go ahead and apologize because I know this is going to be really long. I tried to post periodically over the week to avoid this but my internet was being uncooperative. But seriously read the whole thing because it's all pretty stinkin' cool. Oh and check out Ray's new halter and saddle blanket too. Pretty awesome.

This week was my spring break week, and I decided to load up the brat and go on his first overnight stay! We went to stay with my friend Susan, who is just a major sweetheart, at wranglers campground in land between the lakes. The getting there was a pain. First off, our cheouffer wouldn't wake up...

 Needless to say, Ray wasn't entirely thrilled about the almost 2 hour haul up there... (I blame dad's driving) And he wasn't too eager to leave my other four-legged doofus either. Loading him was definately a pain. Then he kept trying to turn around. I took this picture at the gas station when he was pouting so bad I couldn't pet him!

Oh yeah and we were almost there when we figured out we had Drift's coggins and not Ray's. Luckily we weren't stopped. The staff at wranglers is super sweet. 

We got unloaded and settled in and took Ray for a walk around camp. He did really well so we rode around a bit and I took him to the corral by the day use area to let him sort of chill out a bit after that trailer ride. Look, he's sort of forgivin me!

This is Susan's service dog. She is basically deaf so she gets to travel with this super freakin adorable Rottweiler, T-bone, like all the time. Lucky ducky. Well he's cute so I took like a million pictures of him. I did the same thing with Ray though so it's okay. Totally gonna steal T though. Watch out, Susan!

For whatever reason, I don't think I rode Tuesday. Not sure, this week was a total blur of pony fur and tack. We went to move Susan's horses and see her neighbor's horses and donkies and stuff. They are all cute! She lead Chief and Gator and I lead Budro and Buddy to the other pasture. They weren't cooperating with me and Buddy actually got the noseband off his makeshift halter! Her neighbor has a really sweet (and photogenic!) horse though. 

Went riding later on with Bob and his slightly famous mule, Molly Shakespere. They are in Mules & More magazine and all that cool stuff, and are REALLY nice and funny! We took trail 1 around the lake to the blue hole and came back to camp on trail 3. It was a little over 5-6 miles. This trail ride is really what made my boy famous in camp. We spooked up some buzzards and he didn't really do much at all. Bob was impressed and spread the word of my wonder pony around camp. I'm so used to him being that way that I didn't see what was so impressive about it. I just can't get over how CUTE he is! (Ray, that is...) 

Ray really liked being at the campsite we were at. He was up on the hill overlooking camp, and could see and smell and talk to all the other horses. He decided to chime in with Bob's long-ears at like 5 AM when they did the morning wake-up call. I got a picture of Molly and Libby being cute, even though Libby doesn't like me too terribly much. 

Then it snowed so we went to play with bunnies and eat with Susan's family. Yeah that bunny has a purple eye! It was cool! The food was killer, too!

The next day, Bob and I took trail 10. Another beautiful lake ride! We stopped to eat lunch about halfway there and Ray tied on the trail for the first time in his life. He didn't think I tied him tight enough (I figured he would be freaking out smelling everything) and made a lap around the tree and then fell asleep. I really hate using that saddle because of how it fits him so horribly but my other one is broke. 

The weather wasn't cooperating again and we got tons of rain, so Susan and I went shopping! We ate at Olive Garden and it was epic. Funny story about that, but I'll just let sleeping dogs lie. Speaking of dogs, T-bone got a new service harness! 

I rode ray around bareback a bit the next day until we took Bob's donkey, Starr Doe, for a spin around camp with her new cart! She was in Mules & More when her baby was born at camp... On the other side of the corral panels! She's a cutie and I just love those big, fluffy ears! Tacked Ray and took the 2.6 mile trail 3.

We got more rain, and LOTS of it. Ray's pen wasn't mud anymore, it was soup about halfway up to his knees. Poor guy. I felt so bad about it that we moved him to a stall over by the camp farrier. He pouted at first about moving so far away from his hill overlooking camp, but soon enough some horses got moved in behind him and he could have cared less. He was still excited to see me, though. He kept grabbing the pitchfork with his mouth, and we joked about how he was helping clean his stall. Silly brat. 

Took trail 4, which is 3 miles long, right before my dad got there to pick us up. We had a blast and were sad to leave, but both of us are glad to be home. We will DEFINATELY be making many more trips out there in the future! Hopefully I'll have a better saddle by then, though. 10 out of 10 stars there, I'm definately recommending this camp to anyone considering going. 

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