Wednesday, July 9, 2014

New bitless bridle

As much as I hate posting from my phone, I hate transferring pictures and posting even more. So here we go, ignoring typos until I can fix them later. This will naturally all be about the best horse in the world, so yay for Ray picture spam! Because I literally have over 6,000 pictures and videos of him and nowhere for them to go.

Ray has been a little depressed and hard to catch since Drift left, so we've been spending as much bonding time as my busy schedule will allow. Just sitting in the pasture, petting him and goofing around and feeding tons of treats that his big butt really doesn't need... He's the actual definition of 'in your pocket'. Everyone else can back off.

So anyway, I got tired of just chilling with him and really needed to catch him and leave a halter on so Monday when he gets shod I won't have to chase him around too much. Like I always do.

I tracked Callie down and convinced her to catch Two Step and bring him over. It worked! Two and Ray were sniffing each other over the fence and I managed to grab his mane and pull him over to the halter. Eventually I switched it to his new bitless bridle that I got from (nice halter that I love but she didn't tie the mecate on for me so I'm mad about that.) and we went to my house to go on a short trail ride and use the fly spray on the butt heads. By the way, bronco fly spray is legit. It rocks and I swear by it.

Alright. Lesson time. Why do I prefer riding bitless? Well, first off, my bits suck. And new ones are expensive. Secondly, my horses go better bitless than they do with bits. I don't know why but they are just a lot more responsive. Also, bitless bridles can come in really pretty colors!

And mainly because my boy is fat and food-oriented and eats every 3 steps. And eating around a bit isn't as nice as eating without one.

And now riding pictures! With some that actually have me riding in them! Too bad I look awful.. And yeah, I know I look big on him. He packs me around just fine though. And can we talk about how killer he looks in royal blue?

I can even stay on Ray at a trot now! I was doing really good at keeping my balance while going up and down hills at both the walk and trot, and Ray still listened to my cues. For once. Again, ignore my riding. It's bad, I know. Hey check out how big Ray's butt is, even though he's basically been out of work since spring!

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