Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Training after work

Last night after work, I went to the barn to work on the bit issue the mares have some and to do some round pen riding to get them used to me some more. I caught the paint first and tacked her up but didn't put a bridle on yet. 

She stood perfectly still for me to get on her, let me tie her leadrope as reins while I was on her back, and did fine at a walk around the corral. I asked for a trot, and she really didn't understand what I was asking her to do, but eventually trotted for a bit. 

Then I decided to see how calm she would be in different situations.

She did so well that I took her on a short ride to my house!

We got back to the barn and I made her walk over some logs and walk around up there some instead of just going straight back to the pasture so she won't be barn sour. Then I caught Riley. 

Riley was being a little numbskull. I took her on a walk to the railroad tracks and back, and she did totally fine except she was freaking out trying to see and smell everything at once. 

When we got back, I tacked her up for a second before letting her loose. She did fine, no spooking or anything!

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